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Serenity Studio

"My commitment is to the truth, not to consistency."  - Gandhi 

That is the first gate that you must be willing to pass through.  It is the gate of truth.  If you are not committed to truth and you insist upon keeping things the same then I can NOT be of service to you.  This journey requires you to be with what is and not distort, deceive, decry the reality with which you are faced.  Insight is the pillar that will reveal truth to us. 

"Possessions, outward success, publicity, luxury-to me these have always been contemptible. I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the body and the mind."  - Albert Einstein 

This is the second gate.  The gate of simplicity. If you inherently desire to add complexity to your life by way of excess in it's various forms then I can NOT be of service to you.  This journey requires complete observation, which cannot happen if your mind is obstructed with complexity.  Intimacy (beginning with oneself) is the pillar that will lead us to simplicity. 

"We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses." 

- Carl Jung

This is the third gate.  This is the gate of liberation.  Superficial change is meaningless.  If we want to make real change then one must understand the nature of liberating and intelligent action.  If all you desire is a modified form of the status quo, I can NOT be of service to you. Action taken from a place of freedom (versus reaction) is the most meaningful action.  We approach this through the pillar of Impact. 

If you are still reading here and curious then you are among a rare group of inspired people who see that a radical change is necessary.  The most important journey a person can take is that of understanding oneself because without self-knowledge you have no basis for thought. 

"When you master the Self, the self is not."

- Nathan Smith  

Are you ready for YOUR Inner Revolution?

Start Your Journey

My approach...

Three pillars to explore:

Pillar One: Insight

(Insight defined: the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing.)

Inner Revolution System: This is a 12-Session journey into the depths of YOU.  This part of the program is designed to guide you home to your true nature.  This is the seat of Self Knowledge or Wisdom.  

Pillar Two: Intimacy

(Intimacy defined: closeness of observation or knowledge of a subject [or person])

Conscious Connection System: This is a bespoke program that will continue the learning from the previous pillar.  True intimacy must begin with a deep understanding of oneself. Only then can you deeply know another. 

Pillar Three: Impact

(Impact defined: the effect or influence of one person, thing, or action, on another.)

Intelligent Action System: Intelligent action can happen only when we are not biased and blinded by ambition and the subtle ways of the self. Here you begin to understand the nature of liberating action, which brings freedom. 

If you've come this far, then you are someone who is at least, in some small measure, looking for something. 

This is not a place for small measures, however. 

Those who choose to walk the path of the Inner Revolution Roadmap are committed to truth, presence, and service.  

This is NOT a place for acquisition of more stuff, greed, or even "personal development".  

My job is to be a mirror for you to help you see all the ways you keep yourself stuck and then how through that insight help you arrive at what it is you need to do next and to support you through that all the way.  



Alchemizing Ambition

Learn To Overcome The Conflict Of Ambition

Nice to meet you!

Hi! I’m Nathan. My vision is   My mission to help reach this goal is to accelerate the most profound, meaningful, and necessary revolution in the world - the Inner Revolution.  

More about me

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